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Modular Vehicle Barrier Storage Lockers

As part of the Mifram MVB line, AST provides both shipping containers and modular vehicle barrier storage lockers. ​

Shipping containers have the capacity to hold a mix of various barrier units and pivots:

  • 20 x MVB3X 

  • 16 x MVB3X with Pivots

  • 30 x MVB

  • 20 x MVB with Pivots


In addition to shipping containers, AST offers Mifram-manufactured dedicated modular vehicle barrier storage lockers that can be used for storage or shipping to job sites for safe keeping.  

Advanced Security Technologies is here to help with all your vehicle barrier needs. Call us today to learn more about our vehicle barrier system. 

12 Unit Locker for MVB 3X
16 Unit Locker
30 Unit Locker
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